Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is Permanent Cure For Hair Restoration Possible?

Hair loss is common to both men and women as it does not pertain to men alone. Everybody is getting affected by this condition and they want to relieve themselves as they are much interested for their hair restoration. This condition normally affects everyone mentally and it may lead even to depression. Most of the men and women want to see them with thick hair in their head. Truly, many of us think that men alone are most affected by this hair loss but it is not true as women are also prone to hair loss. In reality, many of the women sufferers are not approaching the physician for the treatment and mainly all the hair treatments are focused at men only.

Is there any permanent solution for hair restoration? is the question before us. Yes, we have an answer. There are hundreds of hair restoration medications and procedures are available today. Hair restoration is achieved either by medications or surgery.

The modern treatment available varies to individuals based upon the underlying causes. Though there are many causes for hair loss, but the increase in the level of dihydrotestosterone (hereafter DHT) is the major cause for hair loss. DHT is said to surround (an androgenic hormone) the hair follicle. Hair restoration treatment is targeted by permanently blocking the formation of DHT found in the surroundings of the hair follicles. This could give a permanent way to hair restoration.

Propecia and Minoxidil are the very popular medications available now. Propecia is acting against the enzyme that converts the testosterone in to DHT. But this medication gives more effective results as long as it is used and generally not recommended for women for hair restoration. Propecia lose their effect when it is stopped. Minoxidil (otherwise Rogaine) is the cream that enhances and the actual mechanism of its action is not still known. It is said that it improves the blood and oxygen supply to hair follicles. The above said reason helps in the hair restoration which leads to healthy and thick hair. Unfortunately, this medication also has property as of Propecia in losing the effect when stopped. Hence, though these two medications are good in result, but they do not give any permanent solution for hair loss.

Hair transplantation is the technique in which the hair follicles are removed from where it is available in large quantity and transplanted in the scalp where it is available in small quantities. This procedure is adopted or advised only for few as hair restoration treatment.

Surgical operation is preferred in some people to give permanent solution to their hair loss and not all the sufferers are advised to undergo surgical treatment. Medical remedies for restoring your hair needs daily maintenance whereas surgical methods need occasional maintenance for every few years. However, as on date there is no permanent as for as the medical field is concerned. Though, the medical science has discovered most of the causes of hair loss, the permanent cure is yet to be found.

Laser Hair Comb Review - Which Laser Comb Should You Go For?

With low level laser therapy for hair loss becoming on the most talked about, non-surgical treatments, it's no wonder there are now so many laser hair combs on the market. Here we have sifted through the lot and come with the 4 of the most effective laser hair combs available.

HairMax LaserComb
Easily the most recognizable name when in the world of laser combs. The first to be approved by the FDA, there is no shadow of a doubt that the HairMax Laser comb is true to its word. Noticeable results of thicker, healthier hair start to show after at least 3 months of consistent use, so stick with it. It comes with a 4 month money back guarantee, so you can always return it if you don't see any change during this time. It's the most expensive of the bunch but there is also a 90% customer satisfaction rate that will deem that reasonable, considering it provides faster results than its competitors.

Sunetics Laser Hair Brush
At almost half the price of the HairMax, this laser come comes very close. Although not as widely available as others just yet, Sunetics believe this product is so much more effective than many of the laser combs out these, due to the amount of laser modules it emits. However with only one row of lasers this is debatable. You will probably need to spend up to 30 minutes combing through your hair as a result of this. Reviews have been mixed with some people saying that the device is unsteady, however others have seen much improved results after at least 5 months of use.

Viatek LB01 HairPro Dual Technology Laser Hair Treatment
Slightly cheaper than the previous laser combs this laser comb has received widespread press coverage; even being voted by some publications as the most effective laser hair brush on the market. However, it has received rather mixed customer reviews with it either working brilliantly, or not at all. Most people have reported lengthy time frames for seeing results, therefore it has been recommended to use this laser hair treatment with other hair loss products. This will reduce the time it takes to see results by 2-3 weeks.

Grow Comb YesThis Laser Hair Regrowth Comb with Exclusive Vibrator/ Stimulator is relatively new to the market, but already gaining great reviews. Retailing at an affordable price, not only has it achieved a proven results rate of 98% in both men and women, but they have also managed to use FDA approved low level lasers. This is definitely one to consider investing in.

Using Rosemary Oil For Balding, Does it Work?

Have you considered using rosemary oil for balding? Rosemary oil and other herbal treatments for hair loss are becoming more and more popular these days. People are reluctant to spend lots of money on hair loss products like Rogaine that only work some of the time and can cause side effects. Instead, they are looking for natural treatments for hair loss, like rosemary oil for balding.

Rosemary oil helps with hair loss by stimulating the circulation. Better blood flow means less hair loss, in general, although how effective this treatment will be may depend on the type of hair loss you are experiencing, or the cause of your hair loss. But it's an easy, affordable thing to try, and has virtually no side effects. You should know, though, that pregnant women are advised not to use rosemary oil as it might cause early labor and people with epilepsy or other seizure disorders are advised not to use rosemary oil as it might trigger a seizure.

Using Rosemary Oil for Balding

If you want to try rosemary oil for balding, visit your local health food store to buy some rosemary essential oil. You can also order some online. Make sure you are getting real essential oil, not just scented oil. One easy way to tell the difference is to look at the price. Rosemary oil will usually cost you about $6 an ounce, depending on where you buy it. But you should notice that different oils have different prices, because some herbs and plants cost more and also it takes more of certain herbs and plants to make an ounce of essential oil. If all the oils cost the same amount, then they probably aren't real essential oils.

Rosemary essential oil can be irritating to the skin if applied to the skin directly. Instead, you should use a carrier oil like almond oil, grapeseed oil, or jojoba oil. You should be able to buy one of those wherever you buy your essential oil. Add about ten drops of rosemary essential oil to a teaspoon of your carrier oil and mix well.

Use a small amount of the oil mixture on your fingertips and massage your scalp firmly. Massage with your fingertips, not your nails. Massage for a full minute or more.

Apply the rosemary oil for balding every day, preferably after shampooing your hair. It may take several weeks before you notice a significant difference.

Other Herbal Treatments for Hair Loss

There are a number of other herbal treatments for hair loss that you could try, as well.

Cedarwood essential oil. Use this the same way you would use rosemary oil. It improves the circulation to the scalp.

Ginkgo biloba. This herb can be taken in capsule form to improve circulation and help with hair thinning.

Dong Quai. This is one of the popular Chinese treatments for hair loss. It can be taken in capsule form to reduce the formation of DHT, a common cause of hair thinning, especially in men.

Stinging Nettle. This can also be taken in capsule form to reduce the formation of DHT.

Saw Palmetto. This can also be taken in capsule form and may reduce the formation of DHT.

Vitamins for Hair Loss

In addition to herbs and essential oils, you might want to look into vitamins that can help prevent loss of hair. B vitamins, biotin, and zinc can all help prevent hair loss in many cases. You may want to make changes to your diet to get more of these vitamins, or you might want to consider taking some supplements.

Natural Cures For Baldness - Alternative Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss is one of the most common conditions affecting both women and men. This is why there are so many treatments available offering to slow down or reverse this problem. The sheer number of products can make it challenging to know which ones will really work. There are even natural cures for baldness which can help get the strands to start growing back. Some of these natural treatments will not cost you anything except time.

Good Circulation Stimulates Hair Growth
Improving the flow of blood to your scalp is one of the most powerful cures for baldness. Your blood flow carries nutrients to your roots in order to feed your strands. If there is a problem with circulation, or if the flow of blood to the scalp is compromised in any way, protein and vitamins cannot reach the strands. The follicles will then become weak and the strands will fall out.

You can increase blood flow to your head by massaging your scalp for about ten minutes daily. This will also help clear out dirt, dandruff, and other debris which can clog the follicles and prevent the nutrients from reaching the roots.

Certain Herbs are Natural Cures for Baldness
Certain herbs can be effective natural cures for baldness for people who have androgenic alopecia, which is also known as female or male pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Men tend to have higher levels of this hormone in their bodies, but women have it too. DHT attacks the follicles causing the strands to fall out.

Saw palmetto reduces the amount of DHT in the body. Pumpkin seeds also help eliminate this follicle damaging hormone. The mineral zinc prevents testosterone from being converted into DHT. Green tea is gaining recognition as being among the effective herbal cures for baldness because it contains compounds which stimulate hair growth.

3 Steps to Find the Best Hair Restoration Product For You

Every hair restoration product promises great results, but not every product will work for you. There are quite a few factors you need to consider when purchasing any hair regrowth product. Remember, you're hair did not fall out overnight, so you should not expect it to grow back overnight. Your hair growth will take time, so in order to achieve great results you need stay consistent. For many of you, your hair loss is not permanent, so go through the checklist below, to ensure that you find the best hair restoration products or treatments for you.

Consult a hair restoration physician...
Or at the very least, locate your nearest hair loss clinic. This is the first thing u need to do to understand the "root cause" of your hair loss. Whether it be a genetic condition, a result of hormone imbalance or stress, men and women suffer differently when it comes to hair loss. We know that the main type of hair loss is alopecia areata, but this can come in a wide range of symptoms and therefore treatments. So make you sure you are aware of your exact condition and don't self diagnose! The doctor/consultant will advise you of the best hair regrowth treatments that work.

Take a blood test
I am sure you know that your diet plays a crucial part on your overall health and well being, but don't underestimate how significant it is to your hair. So it is always worth talking a blood test to determine if u are deficient in any vitamins or minerals - especially those that have a direct link to your hair and scalp. This will greatly improve any chances of preventing hair loss.

Check the Ingredients
There is not a "one size fits all" hair regrowth product to use so do your research and find the ones that meet your specification. For example a woman suffering from female-pattern baldness will not use the same product as one suffering from menopausal-related hair loss; and someone suffering from androgenic alopecia, will not use the same treatments as someone suffering from scarring alopecia. Therefore check that the ingredients listed are ones that will benefit you and make sure they don't contain any harsh chemicals. Remember, simplicity is key. The most effective products will not have an ingredient list as long as your arm, but will be short and sweet and almost always contain some natural herbal extracts.

Average Hair Restoration Cost

Many people have went for cosmetic surgeries to help them replace their lost hair. The medical field has come with better techniques to help one get their hair back. There is no fixed price for the treatment. Both men and women can go for the surgery and help them recover from a hairless scalp. Hair restoration cost can be high, but you can do research to find one method which will be suitable for you.

Here are some points which can help you know the average cost of the hair transplant process:

Methods: The method you use to transplant your hair can determine the cost. Most hair transplant specialists use non-surgical methods and skin grafting ones. Every method has a different price that depends on the amount of hair lost. The doctor helps you choose the most appropriate method to suit your needs and replace your hair.

Grafting: In this method, the hair transplant specialist removes the healthy hair follicles from the healthy part of your head. The hairs are then implanted surgically on the scalp where there is no hair. You are charged per graft and the cost depends on the geographic location of the clinic and also the reputation of the specialist.

Non-surgical: Hair transplant network has set the average cost of hair replacement. This is done through holding palettes of your hair on the scalp using adhesives. You have to take good care of your hair after using this method in hair transplanting. You have to clean the hair palettes and to do this, you have to remove and then reattach it. You have to do this every six to eight weeks. This means that it has a very high cost of maintenance.

FUE: This means follicular extraction, which is one of the latest methods used in hair transplanting. This involves the removal of your hair from one area that has plenty of it to the one without much hair. In this method, you do not suffer from scarring and you get a more natural look. This makes it very expensive and it's double the usual price of the process.

Mini-grafting: This technique has become popular and is used in patients who need only a few grafts. It does not cost much, but it also requires proper care after the treatment.

Get permanent, natural looking hair through new surgical hair transplant techniques. Explore all your hair loss options and get all your questions answered. Visit http://www.NewLookMd.com and schedule a free Hair Restoration consultation.

Natural Baldness Remedy - Reverse Thinning Hair

Many people who are coping with hair loss are not interested in using medications to cause their strands to grow back. Actually, it is not even necessary to use drugs to stimulate hair growth. A natural baldness remedy can be just as effective in reversing hair loss. You just have to know which ones to use and how to use them.

Green Tea is a Natural Hair Loss Treatment
Research is backing up the effectiveness of using green tea as a natural baldness remedy. Scientists are studying its ability to stimulate hair regrowth. It has properties which stop the body from breaking down testosterone and turning it into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone linked to hair loss because it destroys the ability of the follicles to function. This causes the strands to fall out in large clumps.

Another benefit of green tea is that it stimulates the follicles, which causes the strands to grow. This herb is available as a supplement as well as a tea. You can drink the tea to get your strands to regrow. It is also beneficial to use it as a topical solution by applying the tea directly to your scalp so it can be absorbed by your roots.

Use Aloe Vera as a Baldness Remedy
Aloe vera is another baldness remedy which helps revitalize the follicles. You can use it as a gel or take it as a supplement. It supplies the strands with nutrients which are necessary for the strands to grow. Massage the gel into your scalp to increase circulation, which is another way to stimulate growth.

Wheat Germ Oil Stimulates Hair Growth
Wheat germ oil is a baldness remedy which increases circulation and improves the flow of blood to the scalp. These are functions which allow vital nutrients to reach the strands to provide them with the nourishment they need in order to grow.

It is very important for you to begin treatment for your hair loss as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent.

Learn more about choosing an effective baldness remedy and selecting treatments to regrow hair.